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Complete CMC in School of Friendship Outfits Spotted
Scootaloo had the spotlight two weeks ago for being the first filly that was released after the reboot series started in 2017, and she had her cutie mark! Of course Scootaloo is never alone, so it was only a matter of patience before the complete Cutie Mark Crusaders trio would show up.
And that turned out to be today, as on eBay a listing has been posted featuring the complete CMC, all with their School of Friendship Outfit and cutie marks.
While the outfits and shoes are all the same, every one of them has a different pose: Scootaloo has an open mouth, Sweetie Belle a closed one and Apple Bloom has a raised hoof.
We don't have any further information on the release of the crusaders, but expect them to be bundled into a 3-pack that will be available towards the summer.

Complete CMC in School of Friendship Outfits Spotted

1 comment :

  1. Apple bloom and sweetie belle look so cute in them uniforms 💕👍💯😎
