Showing posts with label lavender fritter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lavender fritter. Show all posts

Wave 13 Blind Bags
While Wave 13 was already spotted in the UK as Wave 13A and Wave 13B, we can now also confirm that the 13th wave of blind bag figures has been released in the US. At least Target and Walmart have been releasing Wave 13 in various stores, but no sign of Toys"R"Us at the moment.
For more information on the ponies and codes of the bags, see our Wave 13 Blind Bag Codes post.
Credits go to catstrawberryful for the images!

Wave 13B Blind Bags Released in the UK
Back in the days when the first 12-pony sets were released in the UK, it took quite a while before the second part of the wave was released. Now it seems that Hasbro releases them at (almost) the same time, as Wave 13B has been spotted at Tesco, 3 days after the initial finds of Wave 13A.
Thanks to Victor, we now have images of the second blind bag, and as you can see: There is no window to spot the pony! This means that it's necessary to read the codes again, and we have them below (Although we're not sure what code-sequence they use, at least the order of ponies is correct):

All About MLP Merch - Wave 13 Blind Bag Codes
Only a few days ago we've spotted the blind bags and box for the Wave 13 Blind Bags, and with the help of this Amazon listing, we now know what the codes will be! Even though you can use the clear window in the back of the bags to see who's inside, a poll we held a few month ago shows that people are still using the codes. So far the blind bags have not been spotted in stores, but when they do you can use our MLP Blind Bag Database to figure out the codes and names of all the ponies in Wave 13! You can of course also use this image made by Ilona.

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Ponyville Friendship is Magic Collection
Just look at that GORGEOUS Display. This is the display for the announced Ponyville Friendship is Magic Collection that's gonna be available this fall. It features the whole Sweet Apple Acres and the meaning of this series is to build your own world. You can see each individual set here!

Thanks to Stitch Kingdom for the heads up!

Blind Bag Wave 13 Chase Figures of Candy Apples, Mosely Orange, Apple Bottoms, Lavender Fritter and Apple Bumpkin
Wave 13 is officially revealed for now. It will be a combined wave of transculent glitter and regular Blind Bag Ponies. The difference between this wave and previous ones is the fact that we now get a total of 5 chase figures instead of the regular 3. This time the chase figures are all members of the apple family. On the image above you can see them all. The characters are (from left to right)

- Candy Apples
- Mosely Orange
- Apple Bottoms
- Lavender Fritter
- Apple Bumpkin

As you can see Apple Bottoms will receive a brand new mold as well! It looks very good in my opinion.

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Lavender Fritter Error With Peachy Sweet Head Blind Bag
In the last few weeks this factory error blind bag circulated around eBay, from various sellers. Buying it was a gamble, because it could have been a mistake by the seller and just be regular Lavender Fritter. But I couldn't resist the urge to buy her...