Showing posts with label good 2 grow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label good 2 grow. Show all posts

Store Finds: Easter Items, Good2Grow, Izzy Helmet & More

Thank you for reading our latest MLP store finds post. We want to start with a different note than usual, mainly because we're struggling with the current format of the store finds. These post take up quite some time to prepare and because of that the frequency has decreased from once every two weeks to once a month or less.
We also have quite a busy schedule ahead in our lives which will cause us to have even less time for intensive posts like this. We don't want to move away from sharing the latest store finds, as everytime we asked in the past, you were all positive about the content.
Because of that we're thinking about new ways to share store finds, without the need to invest complete evenings in compiling a post for them. We have some ideas, but would love to hear your thoughts and ideas in the comments. It's much appreciated!

But, for now we'll share the submitted store finds in this post. Enjoy!

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My Little Pony G5 Good 2 Grow Spouts
Good 2 Grow has quite the large collection of G4 Spouts and Podz figures to collect. And good news for the collectors as three G5 Spouts have just been released! From today on you can now collect Izzy, Pipp and Sunny! According to their Facebook page Izzy and Pipp are available in single packs and Sunny is an 3-Pack exclusive.

Have more pictures and info below. Thanks to Solbit for the heads up!