My Little Pony Radz Fluttershy Candy Dispenser
Seems like we will get more candy related merchandise coming soon! This time a company called Radz has announced they will make My Little Pony Related Candy dispensers. These are fun candy dispensers and when you press the button some candy for you will get out her mouth. You can also swap the hair. You also need to do that if you want to refill her. They look sort of... troll like to me but I really like the concept.
As for now it seems like they will come in two kind of packaged. One is the single packaged one like shown above. You know which one to get. Then there's also the blind boxed ones like shown in this pic by Ben Spark. You have a change to get the mane six but I heard Spike will also be included as a chase figure. We have images of the concept art as well below (excluding Applejack). They will retail for $3.99 - $4.99

Right now we have no other information. If you know more or perhaps spotted them already. Please let us know!
Thanks to Anonymous for the heads up.

My Little Pony Radz Candy Dispensers
 Radz Brands launches My Little Pony Characters in their exciting line of toy candy dispensers. This new Radz co-branded collection includes four of the hottest My Little Pony characters: Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Pinkie Pie! Each pony comes with a candy refill pack and a mini My Little Pony character poster.
My Little Pony Radz Candy Dispensers
The blind box variants


  1. Oh my gosh! Future Twilight dispenser! XD

  2. WHO ASKED FOR THIS???? WHO??????

    Fluttershy looks so excited.

    1. Also, no Applejack, but SPIKE???? REALLY????

  3. as I see rarity eated something she wasn't supposed to be happy with this horrible main X3

  4. Has anyone seen any of these characters before? They don't seem familiar in sculpt: http://www.ebay.com/itm/9pcs-MY-LITTLE-PONY-5cm-Cake-Toppers-Figures-Pinkie-Pie-Rainbow-Dash-Apple-Jack-/181754401013?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a516810f5

    1. Hi, those are the Danli figures you can get with candy balls in Russia.

  5. Omg these candy dispensers look horrible. :-P Who would want that :-P

    1. me cuz im stoupid :3 (ill get the rarity one)

    2. yeah no nevermind they are not in canada ^^'

  6. im not to be rude but fluttershy looks like she took meth

  7. Wow just wow!!!! :(

  8. My Little Pony Radz Candy Dispenser with Cutie Ma…: http://youtu.be/6MhWcAF9CrM
