MLP PEZ Tin with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle Dispensers

A few months ago a Fluttershy PEZ Dispenser was found but after that we never heard from it again. It turns out that PEZ made an official announcement of her in December and showed that she would be part of a MLP PEZ tin containing three PEZ dispensers including her, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. It's unsure if Applejack and Rarity will join the PEZ line as well and if Fluttershy will also be sold separately sometime. According to the announcements these should be available very soon as the release date says "early 2016"

Let us know if you find this set somewhere.

MLP PEZ Tin with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle DispensersMLP PEZ Fluttershy Dispenser


  1. I like the tin, and I really want Fluttershy. But, I already have Twilight, and Rainbow Dash (I also have Pinkie Pie). I think they should have the tin with Rarity, Apple Jack, and Fluttershy, because they are not out yet. I hope she is sold sepertly.

  2. That would be so perfect for me if I would be able to find it! The only pony pez I have gotten so far is Pinkie.

  3. That would be so perfect for me if I would be able to find it! The only pony pez I have gotten so far is Pinkie.

  4. Fluttershy will be available in a week or two - the tin will be released later on.

  5. I'm not a big pez collector but i like the tin tho.

  6. I have the set with the tin on e bay for sale
