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MLP CCG High Magic Expansion by Enterplay
After Equestrian Odysseys a new MLP CCG expansion is already on the way as today Enterplay announced the "High Magic" Expansion. This expansion will be released on November 13th. Have some information below:

Join us in November as the next expansion of My Little Pony CCG brings the enchanting world of Equestria to life! In "High Magic" the Great and Powerful Trixie wields the Alicorn Amulet, Princess Luna protects the world of dreams, and the Power Ponies are back to save the day!

Just a few of the highlights from High Magic include -

* The introduction of "Token" cards, which add a whole new way to play Friends
* 3 new gameplay keywords: the tenacity of Persistent, the explosive speed of Hasty, and the careful planning of Prepared
* The debut of The Great and Powerful Trixie as both Mane Character AND Villain cards
* 5 new color combinations on dual-color cards, doubling your options
* The return of powerful keywords Swift and Stubborn, plus the addition of Vexing Friends
* The Power Ponies swoop in as stunning Ultra Rare Friends

Super Rares and Royal Rares are back, and cards in High Magic are useful in both Harmony format and Odysseys block format!

High Magic prerelease events and theme decks arrive on November 13th, just one week before booster packs hit shelves on November 20th! Be sure to tell your local game shop that you and your playgroup want to have a High Magic Prerelease event, and send them to this application as soon as possible:

1 comment :

  1. OMG Trixie's a Mane Character! But the Power Ponies are Ultra Rare...so are the Lyra cards...everything I want is Ultra Rare:(
