Hasbro Releases Q4 2015 Financial Results
This is the first time we post about Hasbro's corporate announcements, but after we followed today's webcast, we noticed that it does contain plenty of interesting information for this website.

Overall Hasbro has had a fantastic last quarter with increased sales in My Little Pony, but NERF, Monopoly, Play-Doh and Magic: the Gathering. Hasbro also grew out to the have the second largest market share for toys in Europe. While the girls category saw an overall decline of 17% in sales last qarter, the My Little Pony brand grew. My Little Pony was also mentioned to be the biggest brand of 2015 in regards to licenses, and NERF the biggest overall brand of 2015.

It has now also been confirmed that the sales of Equestria Girls is below expectations, and that the Equestria Girls Mini figures are a direct result of that. During the webcast it was not explicitly said to be a replacement, but rather to boost the EqG brand.

The conference was mainly focused on numbers and figures of last quarter, but a lot of references to the upcoming Toy Fair were made. My Little Pony was mentioned twice, so we're really looking forward to this weekend!


  1. But the minis are so terrible!

    1. I'm neutral on them but, from what I read on Amazon they are not too durable. I read they break to easily when taken out of the package.

    2. I just think they're ugly.

    3. They don't break easy, most of those kind of reviews are from parents that don't understand that those aren't for toodlers which is even stated on the packaging...

  2. This is sad to hear but, with the Toy Fair coming up this weekend nmaybe things will make a turn for the good. And hopefully we get 100% or at least 95% of the much this year. From Friendship Games we only received like 50% or less of the merch.

    1. That's because Hasbro dumped most doll releases probably BECAUSE of the bad sales of them which is why we haven't seen any new ones announced since last year's toy fair. In my country they did even decide to not release the Friendship Games dolls as whole for that reason.

    2. But the dolls they released always seemed to sell well. They certainly sold better than the ponies where I work.

    3. They hardly sell in most countries and that's what the report is about as it's about the global sales.

  3. I Dont want them to get rid of the equestria girl dolls i have over 70 and i love them, i dont want them to be replaced with the eg minis because i literally hate them! They are just whole plastic and dont have proper hair like the eg dolls

  4. I Dont want them to get rid of the equestria girl dolls i have over 70 and i love them, i dont want them to be replaced with the eg minis because i literally hate them! They are just whole plastic and dont have proper hair like the eg dolls

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