Fake MLP Trading Cards
A little while ago we made a post about some MLP trading card packs that surfaced and we weren't sure whether they were fake or fan-made. Today this image was found showing that the packs are actually sold in stores, making them bootleg because these are not officially licensed or fan-made.
We can also see an actual box for these cards now, showing all kinds of vectors mixed up on the box. There are also some Peppa Pig packs in there containing the same 'New' logo. It seems like the box says that these are 5 Argentinean pesos each, making them an extremely cheap $0.58. The image was taken by WinxClubShines Stella at toystore Nino in Argentina (Also thanks to Lovely Bloom Dash for the info!).
We still have to see images of the cards that are inside these packs. If you got one, feel free to send it to us at .
Fake MLP Trading Cards