MLP My Little Pony New Princess Luna Brushable on Taobao
A new Princess Luna Brushable has appeared on Taobao. This variant of Luna has glittery legs and translucent wings alongside tinsel in her hair. The gimmicks also correspond to a Celestia we found some weeks ago so it's very likely they will be combined or at least be part of the same series. At the moment we're still waiting for the Toys'R'Us exclusive line as well as a possible Target one. We'll keep you updated on that.
Have some more images below.

MLP My Little Pony New Princess Luna Brushable on TaobaoMLP My Little Pony New Princess Luna Brushable on Taobao


  1. she's gorgeous! And I just need Luna, since I have Celestia and Cadance already, it's great! :)

  2. I want it. Even though she has the tinsel hair.
