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My Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by Enterplay
It's time for our second Monday CCG Reveal post! Each week we compile all the revealed cards for the upcoming CCG Set: Seaquestria and beyond. All info regarding the (pre-)release and the set itself can be found in our first post.
For the past week it looks like we only got Friends Cards, but quite a lot though! For the first time we see Capper which most likely will be associated with white-colored/Rarity cards. We also get two Princess Skystar Cards, one Seapony one and a Hippogriff one and at last each of the mane six receives a Pony/Seapony Friend Card.

Have all the new cards below!

Friend Cards

My Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by EnterplayMy Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by EnterplayMy Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by Enterplay

My Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by EnterplayMy Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by EnterplayMy Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by Enterplay

My Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by EnterplayMy Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by EnterplayMy Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by Enterplay

My Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by EnterplayMy Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by EnterplayMy Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by Enterplay

My Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by EnterplayMy Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by EnterplayMy Little Pony the Movie Seaquestria and Beyond CCG Cards by Enterplay

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