MLP Merch Poll #159MLP Merch Poll #158 Results
Last week we asked you whether you liked Hasbro's celebration of the 35th Anniversary with the G1 re-releases. The results are overwhelmingly positive, with nearly 42% adoring the release, 23% excitingly awaiting more characters and 19% is positive, but not planning on buying them. This leaves only 15% of respondents not liking the re-releases.

This week we're of course going to ask you something about the most discussed article of last week: the announcement of the vinyl Equestria Girls Minis figures! Right from the start we have images of four figures, including their packaging. So far the response have been quite mixed, so let's put that in numbers! Are you going to buy any of these new figures?
You can find the current poll below or in the side bar on the right of the website, or towards the bottom of the page if you're using a smartphone.