The Tea Party Pack includes Equestria Girls Applejack, Seapony Rarity with a Metallic/Pearly body, and a Pony Twilight Sparkle. The hidden figures for this set are a normal Maud Pie and a total glittery Pinkie Pie.
The Championship Pack includes a totally glittery Seapony Fluttershy, an Equestria Girls Sunset Shimmer with glitter hair and a regukar Pony Rainbow Dash. The secret figures are a regular Spitfire and regular Rarity.
Like we mentioned earlier, these packs have already been spotted at Target. However they were not in the system yet at that time. But I expect them to be very soon. The Series 3 Blind Bags have also been listed on Amazon Canada so expect those soon as well. Please let us know if you find them.
Thanks for showing this!