My Little Pony Sunset Shimmer Kotobukiya Bishoujo StatueMy Little Pony Applejack Kotobukiya Bishoujo Statue
Several days ago pre-orders for the Kotobukiya Bishoujo Rainbow Dash Statue started but we have some more Kotobikuya news for you! On their twitter page they've revealed the colored version for the Applejack Statue which looks really good, but they have also announced a new character to join the line-up: Sunset Shimmer. This is quite interesting as her announcement came quite as a surprise, of course you can't have Equestria Girls/Anthro MLP Character without including Sunset Shimmer in my opnion. This also makes me wonder if they will eventually release other characters as well overtime such as the Princesses, Starlight etc.

More info regarding Sunset Shimmer is coming soon. A painted Rainbow Dash and Applejack will be shown during this years Wonder Festival on the 9th of February.


  1. If we're getting a Sunset Shimmer, I can hold out hope for a Starlight Glimmer.

    1. Can we get starlight glimmer
