Ponymania Zecora Equestira Girls Doll
The Australian Toys 'R' Us site has listed the Equestria Girls Ponymania Zecora doll on their site. This once again confirms that the punk / gothic inspired theme will be called Ponymania and will consist of both ponies and human dolls. This will most probably mean that Photo Finish will also be part of the Ponymania series.
This Zecora doll is listed for $29.99 and she seems to be in-stock, but this could be an error. The description says that she has a 'fashion secret'! (Full description after the cut)

This high-style Zecora doll has a fashion secret and you’re the only one she’ll tell – maybe! She’s got wild hair, a rockstar outfit and sassy boots for the best Equestria Girls look ever. She comes with a clip-in ponytail you can use to make her even fancier!
Product Features
  • High-fashion Equestria Girls doll looks like the Zecora character
  • Doll has a sassy outfit and boots
  • Includes clip-in ponytail

Thanks to Tomo for pointing us to the ToysRus listing!


  1. Can't wait to see her boxart!
    I wonder if she ever gets bullied for having striped skin. I'm not racist, but some people are.

  2. This doesn't look like punk/goth at all. Still cool though!

  3. can i still buy her from online toys r us if im not from Australia?

  4. can I still buy her on Australia online toys r us if im not in Australia? please help!

    1. On the website it says that they don't ship outside Australia so I'm afraid not. :(

  5. twilight sparkle kingdom?
