Hasbro.com Cutie Mark Magic Banner
The My Little Pony sub-website of Hasbro.com has received a Cutie Mark Magic make-over, indicating that 2015 will indeed be the official launch of Cutie Mark Magic merchandise.
Both the header and background has been changed and so did the overall color pallet.
At the top there is also a banner saying 'Discover the Magic of Cutie Marks', but after the link you're redirected to the usual list of products on Hasbro.com, none of them being Cutie Mark Magic. We expect that CMM products will be added in the first weeks of January, hopefully with some releases or photos we haven't seen before!
For more information on the currently known and available Cutie Mark Magic merch, please take a look in our MLP Brushable Database!
Hasbro.com Cutie Mark Magic Website


  1. What's so magical about them, other than the fact that they REPRESENT your talents and do not DICTATE what you do for the rest of your life?

    1. I assume that we learn more about that in season 5!

    2. This is the season 5 premiere. Now I am waiting for Equestria Girls!

  2. http://www.hasbro.com/mylittlepony/en_US/shop/details.cfm?R=2F4044AA-5056-9047-F53C-E50A13FD6310:en_US
    Holly Dash for $4.99

  3. So, just like Rainbow Power, I expect the Cutie Mark Magic appear on the show too! :D

  4. I have to check mlp.com to see this!
