All About MLP Merch Project: Magazines Around the World
One of our goals is to keep expanding the MLP Databases. We have some plans for a new one but this is one we can't do without your guys help.

We would like to make a Database with all possible magazines around the world. As you might guess it seems almost impossible to get one of each country so that's where you come in! We are looking for a scan (or good picture) of the front of the magazine. This can be or without an included freebie. (figure, headphones etc) If a freebie is included we would like a good quality picture of it (white/light background preferred.), we can then place that one next to the magazine cover.

If you have a good picture you can send it to us using the following mail address:
You can also send it to us on Facebook or Tumblr. If you do, also fill in the following list:

Publisher (Pannini, Egmont etc.):

Please keep in mind that this one is going to take a LOT of time so don't expect it to be released soon. But every scan is very much appreciated.

I will try to keep track of the magazines we received and write them down under this post. This because people don't send in the same issue twice so check back regulary to see if new ones have been added.

Thank you very much already!

Ilona & Ossie

List of received magazines by country:


  1. Can you do a contest por something like that that de can diaeng a book or comic send it to you and you can plublish it here?

  2. Where do you get the magazines anyways? Oh and what do they look like?

    1. It depends from country to country, most of those are available in Europe as far as I know. You can find an example here.

  3. ok so since i dont have twitter im gonna post them here. i will post these in serparte commemts because i cant copy paste them all at once. here is the first one: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/234/109/c08.gif the country is france

    1. Not sure if that was the image you were supposed to send? :) Also, feel free to send images or links to the e-mail address listed in the post!

  4. idk if equestria girls count. http://www.newsstand.co.uk/i2453931/Zoom/MLP-EQUESTRIA-GIRLS_NO-1.jpg this one is from the uk

    1. The art on that......Twilight looks kind of evil...And none of them look quite right on that...
