Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack Figure
Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack Figure
These strange figures just appeared on Taobao. We have no idea were they came from or from which brand they are. But they look very... strange...

UPDATE: Thanks to Kelem on Facebook and an anonymous visitor of our blog we now know that these come from chocolate eggs produced by a Russian company called Confitrade. Below the cut we have a picture with all all figures!

Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack Figure
Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack Figure
All Confitrade Chocolate Egg Figures
All Confitrade Chocolate Egg Figures
Confitrade Chocolate Eggs
Confitrade Chocolate Eggs


  1. It looks like they want to kill somebody :c

  2. oh my, Pinkie pie looks scary

  3. Eeek! AJ is angry because her hat is still missing.

  4. They look a lot like the figures from chocolate eggs that are available in Russia(don't know about the other countries). I recognise that poor Pinkie's ear.
    Here is a photo of the M6: http://i.imgur.com/P22DQDW.jpg
    And a post with many photos: tabun.everypony.ru/blog/toymerchandise/76667.htm
    In Russia they are released by them: http://www.confitrade.ru/
