Cutie Mark Magic Twilight Sparkle Friendship Rainbow Kingdom Playset
So as some of you know the Cutie Mark Magic Line features a lot of new characters and new toys. But some of you know it also features a lot of re-releases. Some of them who are less then a year old! Again we've found a new piece of merchandise that will be re-released under the Cutie Mark Magic line. This time we have the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom which has also been released less then a year ago! This one was found on eBay here.

Thanks to Tomo and Ciaran for the heads up!


  1. Hasbro's going crazy on these re-releases, seems like they're taking everything that sold well and releasing them again! Strange business practices...

    If they REALLY want my money, then they can release the ponies with BANGS in their hair! From 2011 and 2010, I really liked how the hair was actually making an effort to be show accurate! But no, they're rereleasing everything new. Shame...

    1. They are not rereleasing them, they are old stock that they hope to sell better in new packaging, I know because I bought one of the rereleased Breezie sets and they have the same manufacturing date as the original release.

    2. They're both re-branding and re-releasing as we've also heard people find newer production codes. :)

    3. I actually showed you the link to it a few articles before but you didn't see it

    4. Sorry! You did indeed (with the amount of comments lately it's easy to miss something), gave you credit :)

  2. Wow that's very interesting i don't have this twilight kingdom playset i can't wait to buy it

  3. Could yay put it on the data base?

  4. Can't they rerelease the original series!
