MLP Friendship Celebration Zapcode
Our Zapcode Database has received a complete overhaul after it has been down for several days. We're sorry about the delay, but are happy to have it back online now! Here is the complete list of all updates we have applied:
  • Same style as our regular MLP Merch Databases
  • More info on all the ponies
  • Added Equestria Girls (Friendship Games dolls)
  • Amazon listings for availability info
With the new Zapcode Database you now have more info than ever to get the right brushable or doll to use in the My Little Pony Friendship Celebration and Equestria Girls apps.
We hope you'll enjoy the update!


  1. I can only see the listings...The zappcode pictures are gone...Are you not showing them anymore? I really want to scan ponies into my app :(

    1. Yes, we had to remove the high quality renders sadly. But you can still see the pictures of the ponies!

  2. Did Hasbro get mad that you posted the Zapcodes?

  3. Oh well that's too bad! At least I am getting some of them soon, and you can still do almost everything you can with or without a Zappcode! It is sad though that for me, the screen for scanning your pony is just orange and won't do anything...I bought one then got the app on my Galaxy S.3 on the Google Play Store, and it started doing that, then I tried on my iPad, and it still did it! Any ideas on what I should do? -Asteria@EquestriaInsider

    1. That sounds like a bug in the Android version! You should contact hasbro (androidapps@hasbro.com) to let them know about this issue. Also, check if you could use the front camera in any way.

  4. The new database is terrible! It is of no help whatsoever without the zapcode pictures. Please fix the page.

    1. We are not allowed to share the images anymore. This is all we can offer
