Glowing Heart Cadance in Germany
The 2015 fall releases of Cutie Mark Magic are starting here and there, and in Germany (and most of Europe too) the Glowing Hearts Princess Cadance has been released. While that's of course very good news, there seems to be a shift in the packaging: It's all in German!
For those who never saw 'International' (a.k.a. not North America) packaging: It used to be in 25 or so different languages, including the warnings, descriptions and any other text on the box. In the last year that has (mainly) changed to boxes with 4 languages: English, French, German and Spanish, but the warning leaflet still covered all languages.
Now, this Princess Cadance figure comes only in German, and will only be suitable to be sold in Germany and Austria (and parts of Switzerland, but they also speak French and Italian), which means that other countries should get their own version, or an international version. Apart from all the text being in German, the logo is too.
At this point it's unsure whether Hasbro has only released Princess Cadance in a single language box (because this is a big figure) or that this is the new trend we're going to see with more figures and countries.
Thanks to Ayu for the info!


  1. This came out in Australia ages ago.

    1. It's not about being abel to buy it rather than the packaging chance as so far it always was with multiple languages for quicker worldwide releases+saving money.

  2. Wait she speaks? It never said that on the English box!

    1. Oops, never mind, it just makes sound, doesn't speak :)

    2. Um the Australian one speaks, she says several phrases including: "Hello, I'm Princess Cadance", "Let's go to the castle together", "Sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake", and "Use the light and love within you"... plus plenty more!
      I was just at the store and recorded her, an announcement spoke over a few of her other phrases.
      She also giggles and hums like I've seen in reviews of her, but she doesn't play the musical tone.
      Do they not all speak?

    3. I think it also depends on the language. For example I got the talking Ponymania Queen Chrysalis from Germany and she doesn't speak at all. She only makes sounds and laugh so I think only the English ones speak.

  3. I can't wait to see glowing hearts princess Cadence when she is realesed in the United states!
