MLP Friendship is Magic Collection Scootaloo and Squeak Small Story Pack
In addition to the Single Story Packs of the Nightmare Night Themed FiM Collection, it looks like the small story packs have now been listed as well. Their listings only have some awesome HQ images but the descriptions of them all are just the generic ones so we don't get much info about removable parts yet. Expect these this fall, perhaps earlier.

MLP Friendship is Magic Collection Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle Small Story Pack
MLP Friendship is Magic Collection Pinkie Pie Small Story PackMLP Friendship is Magic Collection Pinkie Pie Small Story Pack
MLP Friendship is Magic Collection Spike Small Story PackMLP Friendship is Magic Collection Spike Small Story Pack
MLP Friendship is Magic Collection Scootaloo and Squeak Small Story PackMLP Friendship is Magic Collection Scootaloo and Squeak Small Story Pack


  1. Finally, blind bag CMC's! I'm glad their costumes are removable, and I might just paint on Cutie Marks too!

    And yay Spike! I'm a little bummed out his face is a little sad :/

    1. That is a good idea painting the cmc cutie marks on them

  2. Yeah...why does Spike look like he's about to cry?! That is so sad...who thought that was a good idea? He looks like someone kicked him and stole all his candy.

    I don't buy many of these blind bag sized ponies, I just want Luna in her carriage! I hope that comes soon.

  3. So cute. Love the middle name for Pip (Pip Pinto Squeak). Can't wait to get these.

    1. In brazil pinto means that thing only male have

  4. Spike's face= "someone ate my candy"

    1. Yeah and also a bit constipated

  5. Sweet Celestia's knees, they're awesome ... but why so sad, Spikey-wikey?

  6. I want them all even pinkie pie in her chicken costume ❤❤❤❤

  7. I think Spike is suppossed to look tired, he does come with his bed. Hopefully they will make a regular eyes Spike later on.
