And last solicitations for 2016 have arrived. Next month we'll get to see what 2017 has to offer. Anyways as always a new issue of the Friendship is Magic Series has been announced together with a new Friends Forever one. Have all the information and covers below!
Friendship is Magic #49
Number #49 will be the second part of the "Chaos Theory" story arc where Twilight and her Friends try to revert Discord back to his old self. It's written by Ted Anderson and Andy Price will be the artist. Two covers have been announced so far:
- The Regular Variant by Andy Price
- The Subscription Variant by Sara Richard
“Chaos Theory,” Part 2 (of 3). With Accord's powers affecting the ponies of Equestria, Twilight and company will have to resort to unorthodox measures to get Discord back to normal! Well, normal for Discord!
Friends Forever #35
The 35th isuse of the series focusses on quite an interesting couple as Twilight Sparkle and her pupil Starlight Glimmer will be pairing up for this one. It's written by Rob Anderson and the artist will be Jay. P. Fosgitt. Two covers have been announced:
- The Regular Variant by Tony Fleecs
- The Subscription Variant by Jay. P. Fosgitt
Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer tidy up the library in the Castle
of the Two Sisters. What begins as a friendly activity soon turns into magic- based battle of egos
and starts to transform the castle into a very dangerous place!
Starlight and Twilight Friends Forever? Well that really stinks. I mean, it's bad enough Starlight, one of the worst things in the series, gets to appear in something else, but they couldn't even try to be original and creative, and instead strengthened a huge problem of hers by only allowing her to hang out with Twilight instead of anyone else for once? And to top it all off, Fosgitt is doing the art? This might be one of the worst Friends Forever in the line.