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New: Magazine Database + Media Database Update
We're happy to announce that after some heavy work our Media Database is finally updated, as promised! Below we have details on what we've added to the media database, including the brand new Magazines sub-database.


Some of our readers might remember us trying to start a project named: Magazines Around the World. This project was about people sending in magazines from their country for our databases. The project wasn't a big success and was placed in the fridge. However Ilona has suddenly started to gather them herself both online and in real life and managed to gather almost 500 pieces from many countries and publishers! You can look them all up in our Magazine Database and see which freebie was included. We're still missing some scans/images and info so feel free to donate any images and/or info! :)


After a sluggish progress in the old media section we've finally added an update to the Media Database, including more than 100 new items. Most of these are books that have been released (mainly MLP The Movie- related) or are planned for a release, some new DVD's and a new sub-section for CD's and vinyl.
Aside from this we've categorized everything in the media database a bit better with a subtype for each item and better detail pages on which you can read all information we have on the item, such as page count, publisher and a full summary.

1 comment :

  1. Sooo exciting! I seriously check this website every day... I'm glad that you're still working on the older gens project, I love your checklist feature for gen 4 and am dying to have something similar for gen 3!!! You guys are doing great things <3
