While the winner of the previous giveaway received the plushies, the days are still dark and cold. The ideal moment for our next giveaway: A Talking Nightmare Moon! This giveaway is once again sponsored by the helpful Littles Toy Company, just for MLPMerch.com!

What do you need to do to win Nightmare Moon? Simple: Do any of the steps below and you're in!

- Follow us on Tumblr and reblog our giveaway post
- Or like us on Facebook and like our giveaway post
- Or follow us on Twitter and retweet our giveaway post

Out of all the people that have done any of the above, we will select one winner (sharing on all platforms will triple your chance). Then we will contact that person to receive his/her shipping information and then we will ship them all out as soon as possible, we'll ship to any country!

This giveaway ends on January 31, so join now before it's too late. Good Luck!