Fake Coco Pommel Plush ProgressFake Apple Bloom Plush
Over the past few days OnlyFactory once again shared tons of new plushies, and progress on some new ones. As usual, remember that these ponies are unlicensed by Hasbro. You can read all about it on our article on the fake 12 inch plushies. We'll start with the completed CMC plushies, and continue with the progress images.

Due to an image heavy post, all other images are after the cut!


Fake Apple Bloom PlushFake Sweetie Belle PlushFake Scootaloo Plush
The CMC seems very show accurate, but at first sight the eyes are a bit on the big side, especially on Scootaloo. Apple Bloom has received better lines in her hair, in contrast to the purple ones, as you can see below. Due to their 10 inch design that will probably be cheaper than the usual 12 inch plushies.
Fake Apple Bloom Plush Progress
Old Apple Bloom design, with purple lines

New Zecora Design

Fake Zecora Plush With Gold Rings
The Zecora plush, that was available on FrontWinner for a while, has received a little update. The yellow plush rings have been replaced with gold ones, which looks far more authentic on Zecora. You can see the old design below.
Fake Zecora Plush Yellow Rings
Old Zecora design, with yellow rings

Coco Pommel Progress

Fake Coco Pommel Plush Progress
OnlyFactory also showed their progress on the newest plush: Coco Pommel. So far the design and details looks absolutely stunning, I can't wait for more images!

Daring Do Progress

Fake Daring Do Plush Progress 2
And we have this weird design change on Daring Do. Her tail has changed from the regular gray colors to a rainbow of various colors. I have no idea whether this is an artists trick or that the designer has received wrong info. But as we can see on the Apple Bloom plush: errors can be fixed. Besides the hair she received a new hat, which looks way better on her, if you ask me. You can see the old progress image below!
Fake Daring Do Plush Progress
Old Daring Do design, with a gray tail and smaller hat


  1. Zecora is already on Frontwinner.

    1. And Vinyl Scratch:

  2. I found the plot for Rainbow Rocks!
    "In 2014 music rules and rainbows rock as TWILIGHT SPARKLE and pals complete for the top spot in the CANTERLOT HIGH "Mane Event" talent show. The girls must rock their way to the top, and outshine rival ADAGIO DAZZLE and her band THE DAZZLINGS, to restore harmony back to CANTERLOT HIGH."

    In my opinion, with lots of joy, this is going to be "Yellow Submarine" all over again, but with teenage girls and a rival band.
