Sheet Shows Future MLP The Movie GoH Sets (Unconfirmed)
A product sheet that has popped-up online is showing a list of upcoming sets and characters in the 2017 MLP The Movie Guardians of Harmony line-up, some of which we've not heard of before.
The initial waves consist of sets we've seen at the New York and Brazilian Toy Fairs, earlier this year, but a few characters and releases are brand new information. For now the information includes character names, outfits, accessories and store exclusive releases.
Thanks to Chevistian for the heads-up!
Note: At this moment we were unable to confirm the source of this information.

Sheet Shows Future MLP The Movie GoH Sets (Unconfirmed)Sheet Shows Future MLP The Movie GoH Sets (Unconfirmed)

New characters and sets mentioned are:
- Ultimate Princess Celestia with armor, sword and shield
- Ultimate Storm King with battle staff
- Rarity with pirate gear
- Fluttershy with pirate gear
- Storm Pony with blaster + Sky Serpent
- Pinkie Pie vs Storm King with pirate gear (Target exclusive)
- Queen Novo with staff of creation (Target exclusive)
- Capper with sword and flintlock blaster (Walmart exclusive)
- Battle Princess Luna + Hippogriff Slipstream (Toys"R"Us exclusive)
- Storm King commander ship + Storm Pony trooper (Smyths exclusive)


  1. I hope this is real! cause the idea of Battle Princess Luna looks amazing!

  2. I too hope these are all confirmed, especially that Celestia and Luna.

  3. I hope there will be other toys of Capper, as GoH isn't sold where I live. I want a toy of that cat so much!

    1. GOH is Toys'r'us exclusive in most countries, did you check there yet?

    2. I go to several different Toys R Us shops every month, and I've never seen any GoH toys there.

    3. ^ Dang, that stinks. Have you tried Wal-Mart or Target? I've seen them there as well.

    4. There aren't any Target or Walmart shops in my county

  4. Just got on the MLP bandwagon and also curious to know if these will indeed be made.
