MLP Merch PollMLP Merch Poll Results of #23
Last week we asked you for which of the newly announced releases you were most excited, and the results are very clear: The Friendship is Magic Collection! Even though we first thought that these might be brushables or POP figures, the final designs for the blind bags seem to have gotten everyone excited for them! And the second place was pretty much expected to be a popular release: Rarity's Boutique. The new line of brushables and wave 13 blind bags also got a few votes, followed closely by the Friendship Celebration App, Playskool Friends, Twilight Sparkle's Kingdom and the RC Scooter (either Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy). The new POP ponies did not seem to be so popular.

Now that the New York Toy Fair has ended, there are so many topics that I could create a poll about, but let's combine it with the winner from last week: Which of the Friendship is Magic Collection sets is your favourite? (FiM Collection at the New York Toy Fair)
You can find the current poll below or in the side bar on the right of the website, or towards the bottom of the page if you're using a smartphone.
And feel free to also leave a comment in this post about why that set is your favourite :)


  1. Definitely going to buy the new brushable of the villain.

  2. I was wondering whether you know if the Friendship is Magic Collection would be replacing the yearly (kinda) Fan Favourites Collection. I was really looking forward to seeing what the new characters would be, and sadly, I don't collect the blind bags...

    1. We have no confirmation on this yet, but we expect the flower-pattern brushables to be the next Fan Favourite Collection set. The FiM collection might actually be the replacement for the 3 or 5-packs of blind bag figures, as we've not seen new sets of these in quite some time.
