MLP Explore Equestria Crystal Mini CollectionMLP Explore Equestria Crystal Mini Collection
And at last one of the last Blind Bag Mysteries has been solved as well. It all started with the Glitter Princesses and Shining Armor who all appeared on Taobao and Ebay, then we also got some Wave 13 Looking Blind Bags and we thought they were perhaps for Wave 18 but today this set was found at ASDA and we can see that most of them are included in this set. It contains a total of 9 ponies:

  • Diamond Mint
  • Fluttershy
  • Green Jewel
  • Pinkie Pie
  • Princess Cadance
  • Princess Celestia
  • Princess Luna
  • Royal Ribbon
  • Shining Armor
  • Twilight Sparkle

This set will retail for £20.00 and no online listing has been found so far. It's also unsure if this is an ASDA exclusive,

Thank a lot to SETC for the heads up!


  1. I hate it when the mane aren't colored!

  2. Link to the set please?

  3. (that's not royal ribbon lol)

  4. That's Ribbon Wishes, not Royal Ribbon :)

  5. I don't think its ASDA exclusive as the package always only includes the language of the countries it will be sold ad due to toy safety regulations and that shop doesn't exist in the german region.

  6. I like this set no fair it's a asda exclusive it's probably a united kingdom thing i wish this blind bag set was available in the United states. :(

  7. I really want that transparent sparkley princess twilight

    1. Hi, I know this is a super late response but they do sell this in the US. Bought it as an after Christmas gift, discounted at 3 bucks.

  8. I have found this in ASDA as well, I was going send MLPmerch my photo but SETC already did, good work!

  9. It has been on the shelves at Fred Meyer's in the USA for a couple weeks now.
