2017 Guardians of Harmony Line-Up + Stratus Skyranger Revealed
We already knew that the upcoming My Little Pony movie was going to play a big part in this year's line-up, and besides the regular brushables we can now confirm that the full range of Guardians of Harmony figures will be based on MLP The Movie.
In the photo above (credits to MyFroggyStuff) you can clearly see all the sets that are currently on display at the New York Toy Fair, most of which we've seen in the MLP The Movie press release from Hasbro themselves. The only figure not announced before is Stratus Skyranger, who will be this wave's "big figure", just like Spike was in 2016. For now the Storm King + Grubber statue is the only announced figure in the Fan Series range. More may follow later this year.

Characters from left to right:
- Top row: Queen Chrysalis (present), Princess Celestia (present), DJ Pon-3 (present) & Storm King + Grubber
- Bottom row: Stratus Skyranger, Applejack, Daring Do, Stratus Skyranger (loose), Capper & Tempest Shadow


  1. Dammit no Rarity. This really upsets me, what the heck. Left out again. And that means all the Mane 6 have one except for her now, and even freaking Daring Do gets one before her. I really, really, really hope this isn't everything. But it seems like if she was getting something it would be shown.

  2. well ther eis a rarity by the boutique set

    1. That's not a Guardians of Harmony toy.

  3. These all look pretty cool. :)
    In some unrelated, sad news, however, I learned from Equestria Daily that Diamond Select and Aurora will no longer be making MLP figures/ plushies. They also say that any upcoming products that were in the pipes have now been cancelled, and that's what truly has me bummed, because I was really looking forward to owning that Diamond Select DJ Pon-3 Bank. :(

    1. You should take that with a grain of salt.

      I am not very familiar with every little detail regarding licensing worldwide but you can only give away a limited amount of licenses for each product category per country or else you loose your commercial protection rights. This is kind of stupid in times of globalisation as it doesn't apply to import-purchases, you can have the license for only one single country but still ship international online, it also doesn't apply if a company is used as pure manufacturer which Hasbro has started doing recently actually. Did you see how different all the plushies of Hasbro's own "new" plush line are and how many? That's because they are all manufactured by different companies, you don't need a license anymore if you don't sell under your own brand and I was guessing for a while that the ones with the nicer plush manes are actually by Aurora due to their distinct style while the spagetti ones are by Funrise and the upcoming GOH DJ Pon-3 is the exact same mold as the Diamond Select bank, I don't think that' only a coincidence.

  4. Where's Rarity and the main release of Fluttershy?

  5. Seriously, all these MLP fans there and this tiny pic is the best image we got???

    1. Toy Fairs are not open to everybody, you can't just go photograph there whatever you want.

  6. I like the new line up for goh mlp toys 👍
