All About MLP Merch Launches Playskool Database
We have launched a new database! You can now check-out all the current Playskool ponies that are available right now (or will be very soon). We also included the Amazon links so you can easily look them up. We hope you will enjoy our new database.

Click here to visit the Playskool Database

All About MLP Merch Launches Playskool Database

All About MLP Merch Launches Playskool Database

All About MLP Merch Launches Playskool Database


  1. Are you still going to make the media database with all the books, apps, and movies? It took 3rd in the poll but other databases had been made first ( Zap Codes, Playskool, Cards) Also the blind bags cards data base. Sorry I love the databases. I also fond the Playskool walking pinkie pie on the toys r us website. ( I know its on amazon I am not sure if you knew it was here) http://www.toysrus.ca/product/index.jsp?productId=60570516

    1. We still have plans for the media database, but it takes a while to complete. We're glad that most of the figures are in the databases now and soon work on expanding the databases even more. The blind bag cards db is something that we've already made a lot of progress on, but requires an incredible amount of time to set up and improve. Due to the low interest its now on pause, but we'll pick it up soon and see where we get :)

    2. Okie Dokie Lokie Thanks for the heads up!!!!! :D
