Showing posts with label wave 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wave 10. Show all posts

Possible Wave 13 Sea Swirl Blind Bag?

Not long ago we posted a post about some new Blind Bags that appeared on Taobao and some Ebay sellers. (like Sea Swirl Above) Ossie and I both guessed among many other people that this could be the possible 13th Blind Bag wave. So far nothing new right?

Well today Amazon decided to list 3 new listing called: My Little Pony Surprise Bag Mini Figure Collection 3, 4 and 5. We only got the standard description so that one's no help. But what about Collection Number one and two? Well according to Amazon. Collection Number one responds to Wave 10, and number two responds to the Wave 11 Blind Bags. I guess Collection three responds to the Wave 12 ones.

So I guess Amazon has decided to already list the two upcoming Waves of My Little Pony Blind Bags! So far no images or other information yet, so we have to wait. But this means that there will be more Blind Bag Hunting in the future if this is indeed all true. What do you think?

For those who are curious, we have the listings here below:
-My Little Pony Surprise Bag Mini Figure Collection 3
-My Little Pony Surprise Bag Mini Figure Collection 4

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MLP Wave 10B (UK Exclusive) Blind Bag BackMLP Wave 10B (UK Exclusive) Blind Bag Front
The second half of Wave 10 blind bags have been spotted in the UK. This is the part of the set that contains Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Lotus Blossom, Snips & Snails and a few more ponies, that were available in Wave 10 but not in Wave 10A.
Note: The front of both Wave 10A and 10B are exactly the same. Pay attention to the back where the 12 ponies are listed, since this is the easiest to spot difference between the two sets.
We've also added Wave 10B to our Blind Bag Database with all the codes of the set. If you want to learn more about how you can use the blind bag codes, please read our guide: How To Use MLP Blind Bag Codes (Blind Bag Cheats).
Thanks to Alistair ("Luna's Accountant") for the info!

7 comments Blind Bag Database App
We've teamed up with FrankkieNL to make our Blind Bag Database available on Android, and as of today the app is complete! You can download the MLP Blind Bag Guide from your computer or go to the Google Play Store on your phone and search for "Brony MLP Blind Bag Guide".

Here are some of the cool features the app provides:
- All ponies from the Blind Bag Database (including Collection and Mini Sets!)
- Of course all codes for the Blind Bag ponies
- No internet required (so you can check it when browsing stores)
- Checklists to keep track of your collection
- Built-in tutorial for identifying blind bags

You can also check out some of the other pony apps made by FrankkieNL, like the MLP live wallpaper app! Blind Bag Database Blind Bag Database Blind Bag Database App

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After only 1 day we've already improved our Blind Bag Database to make it more useful and user friendly in response to various feedback we've received on our site and email. We basically rewrote the complete layout and functionality of the database while keeping the information and codes.

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We've just launched our biggest project so far: the Blind Bag Database! Containing codes, information and photos of over 300 Blind Bag figures!

- Blind Bag codes, information and photos of all 11 Blind Bag waves
- UK 12-bag releases included
- Collection Set releases included
- Mini Set releases included
- Variations included
- Over 300 unique blind bag figures
- Blind Bag codes to know what figure a blind bag will contain
- Most photos from our own personal collection

So head on over to our Blind Bag Database, or checkout any of our other databases in our menu or sidebar of our website!

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Various members of the MLP Arena forum reported that Target has started selling the Wave 10 Blind Bags. Even though they have only been available for a couple of days, various Target stores have already ran out of Blind Bags!
USA releases are usually one of the first worldwide (this time Singapore was first, though) and it can take a few weeks or months before the international release comes out in Europa and other places of the world.
For more information on the figures and how to get a certain pony, check out our Wave 10 Blind Bags guide.

The MLPMerch Wave 10 Blind Bag Chart with codes
The MLPMerch Wave 10 Blind Bag Chart with codes
With a lot of research and time we managed to figure out all the codes for the new wave of Blind Bags! And also the order of the ponies!
Do you live in the UK? Look in our Blind Bag Database for the correct UK set! You can identify the correct wave by the ponies and colors on the bag.

All MLP Wave 10 Blind Bag Codes

AA = #01 Applejack
AB = #02 Trixie Lulamoon
AC = #03 Fluttershy
AD = #04 Pinkie Pie
AE = #05 Green Jewel
AF = #06 Rainbowshine
AG = #07 Sunny Rays
AH = #08 Lotus Blossom
AI = #09 Ribbon Wishes
AK = #10 Snailsquirm
AL = #11 Diamond Mint
AM = #12 Twilight Sparkle
AN = #13 Peachy Sweet
AO = #14 Flower Wishes
AP = #15 Snipsy Snaps
AR = #16 Mosely Orange
AS = #17 Junebug
AT = #18 Rainbow Swoop
AU = #19 Sunshower Raindrops
AV = #20 Gilda the Griffon
AW = #21 Strawberry Sunrise
AX = #22 Sassaflash
AY = #23 Royal Riff
AZ = #24 Lemon Hearts

Thanks to shareqin10 for pictures of the cards!

Below are pictures of the cards as proof for the sequence!


Hasbro already annouched the next wave of blind bag figures at the New York Toy Fair a few weeks ago, but we finally got all the pictures together to show you all the figures in detail!

UPDATE: We've found all Wave 10 Blind Bag codes!

Images after the cut!