We're still busy with the new home, so we don't post as much as we used to, but this is a reveal we don't want to wait with! Aside from the 2022 Pinkie Pie keepsake ornament, Hallmark will also release a G5 pony this year: Zipp Storm.
Zipp Storm Hallmark Ornament Coming This Year
Pinkie Pie Announced as 2022 Hallmark Keepsake Oranament
Toys'R'Us Canada Lists Sunny Starscout Hallmark Ornament
I still can't believe Christmas is less than four months away... Anyway, about a week ago we found the first G5 ornament, and now, we've found a new one! This time it's one made by a company we all know by now: Hallmark. This particular ornament of Sunny Starscout is listed on the Toys'R'Us Canada website.
Hallmark 2021 Keepsake Ornament Revealed: Powder
Hallmark is keeping up a tradition to release a new keepsake ornament of a G1 pony every year since 2017. This year is no exception, and they announced the new pony this week: Powder!
Hallmark Shows New Rainbow Dash & Pinkie Pie Ornaments
Every year Hallmark designs plenty of new licensed ornaments for their yearly catalogue, and for as long as I can remember since we started MLP Merch, they've been making My Little Pony ornaments too. Both in their top line of keepsake ornaments, like this year's G1 Applejack, and regular Christmas ornaments.
Hallmark reveals 2020 My Little Pony Keepsake Ornament: Applejack
Store Finds: Cutie Cuffs, Deep Cuts, Missing Storm King & More
If you happen to find brand new stuff in your local store, then feel free to write us a small message with photos.
Store Finds: Friends of Equestria, BaB Celestia, Playskool Baby & Much More!
If you happen to find brand new stuff in your local store, then feel free to write us a small message with photos.
Store Finds: Cutie Mark Crew Sets, AR Books, Enamel Ornament & More!
If you happen to find brand new stuff in your local store, then feel free to write us a small message with photos.
Hallmark 2019 MLP G1 Ornament: Seashell now up for Pre-order
She's about 2,4 inches tall which roughly translates to 6 centimeters. Right now she's available for pre-order on the Hallmark website. Seashell listed for $15.99 and will be released on July 13, 2019. Have more info below: